LYS Honors Super Great Achievements

A big part of LYS is honoring “Louisiana’s Best” and recognizing all the “Super Great” achievements of our delegates, staff and alumni. From delegates being awarded “Group of the Day” to delegate alums being honored with the “No Man is an Island” award, there’s so much to celebrate at LYS.

Here are some of our 2015 award recipients:

Life Achievement Award in Honor of Roddy Richard

Recipient: Angela Guillory

This year, LYS was proud to honor Angela Guillory with the prestigious Life Achievement Award in honor of Roddy Richard. Guillory has served as the Associate Dean of Students and Director of Greek Life at LSU since 2006, and she is an outstanding representative of all that this award stands for — contributing to something bigger than oneself.

In 1987, the Louisiana Youth Seminar Board of Directors established the Life Achievement Award in honor of Roddy Richard, a former LYS staffer whose life was taken in a tragic accident. This award recognizes outstanding individuals whose character and purpose in life have lessened the burden of others and made this a better place for their fellow man.

“No Man is an Island” Outstanding Delegate Alumni Award

Recipient: Liz Baudoin Landry

In 2012, Louisiana Youth Seminar established the “No Man is an Island” Award in honor of an Outstanding Delegate Alumni who exemplifies the ideals of LYS and who has made exceptional contributions to something greater than his/herself since his/her time at LYS. 

This year, LYS was proud to recognize Liz Baudoin Landry with the award. Landry first attended LYS in 1975 and has been a supporter of LYS since then. She served two terms on the LYS Board of Directors and helped LYS with its recruitment efforts at Lafayette schools.

Hall of Fame

Inductees: Blake Fogleman, Trey LeBlanc and Callie Romero

Founded on the 10th anniversary of LYS, the LYS Hall of Fame honors those who have given 10 years of dedicated service to the Louisiana Youth Seminar. In honor of the 3 LYS founders, there can be 1, 2 or 3 people inducted in any one year… but never more than 3. 

Given that LYS is run almost entirely by volunteers, we consider the Hall of Fame to be our highest honor! This year, we were proud to induct Blake Fogleman, Trey LeBlanc and Callie Romero into the Hall of Fame. Thank you for your 10+ years of service to LYS. You are the best, better than the rest!

“5-Year” Club

5 Years: Gracie, Zach, Will, Caroline, Madeline, Conner, Glynn, Lawrence, Luke, Will

“5-Year Night” is a time-honored tradition where we recognize those LYS staffers who have given at least five years of service to LYS. Delegates will hear from the “5 Years” about how LYS has impacted their lives, what it is like to commit wholeheartedly to something bigger than themselves, and how truly “No Man is an Island” at LYS.

We are so proud of and grateful for all those who give so much of their time and talents to LYS and their communities. You are SUPER GREAT!

Guest Speaker at Dream State: Jay Dardenne

"Louisiana: A Dream State"

This year, we were honored to have Lieutenant Governor Jay Dardenne, a longtime supporter and 2013 Life Achievement Award recipient of LYS, join us as the guest speaker of “Louisiana: A Dream State.”

Lt. Gov. Dardenne gave an inspiring speech about Louisiana and leadership before this time-honored presentation on Louisiana’s unique citizens, cultures and traditions. And who better to talk about these things than Louisiana’s chief travel and tourism leader!

"We understand our past, we treasure our history, and we preserve things. That's what makes Louisiana a dream state." – Lt. Gov. Jay Dardenne

As Lieutenant Governor, Dardenne heads the Department of Culture Recreation and Tourism, which includes State Parks, the State Museum System, the State Library, the Arts, the Seafood Promotion and Marketing Board, Volunteer Louisiana and Tourism. Louisiana’s tourism numbers have skyrocketed since he took office in 2010. 

His newest campaign, “Pick Your Passion,” really resonates with Louisiana residents and tourists alike! It highlights all the unique things Louisiana has to offer — from food to the arts.

LYS is proud to have Lt. Gov. Jay Dardenne’s support over the last decade. He is more than just an outstanding ambassador for our great state — he is a tremendous advocate for Louisiana’s young leaders.

In 2013, LYS was proud to present Lt. Gov. Dardenne with LYS’ highest honor, the Life Achievement Award in honor of Roddy Richard, for his leadership, service and character.

Here are a few of our favorite quotes from Lt. Gov. Dardenne:

"Our future is even brighter than our past."

"Optimism is a trademark of a strong leader. If you are optimistic in life, you will do great things for yourself and others."

"The leadership skills you learn at LYS will help you for the rest of your life." 

"The human gumbo that makes up Louisiana represents the cultural diversity that sets us apart from any state in America. Not only is there plenty to see and do, but what you will find in Louisiana is unique and authentic.”

What’s your favorite quote? Share it on Facebook or Twitter today. 

Can We Count on You?

You can make THE difference.

Every year a large number of students attend Louisiana Youth Seminar through scholarships and sponsorships from individuals, corporations, foundations and community organizations. These folks make it possible for these students to have the life-changing experience of LYS.

LYS depends on generous contributions from friends and alumni to keep tuition affordable for all. Although the real cost per student is almost $650, with subsidies provided by LYS, students only pay $550 tuition.

It’s quick and easy to contribute to LYS today.

Every dollar you donate direct impacts the lives of these young leaders. You can make a great difference today with your generous contribution to Louisiana Youth Seminar.

Are you interested in sponsoring a student?

You can leave a lasting impact on a young leader’s life by sponsoring an LYS delegate today. There are many benefits for our sponsors, including: recognition from LYS, recognition in the community, a tax benefit and knowing that you’re changing someone’s life.

Do know of a family or company that would be interested in sponsoring 2-5 students?

We have a number of individuals, families and corporations that recruit and sponsor students from their community. Many individuals and corporations even partner with high schools and sponsor their students. It’s a great way to give back and change a life — or a community.

If you have ideas or are interested in sponsoring a student, please email us at

We are forever grateful to the generous contributions of our donors and sponsors that make LYS possible year after year. And we hope we can count on you to contribute to LYS or sponsor a student today.

Contribute to LYS today.